How to Rebound after a Really Bad Day

I'll be honest. This last week has been one hell of a bad week. Like everyone, we're feeling the economic issues. I went home Friday night feeling a little beaten, but I remind myself, to quote from Oscar Hammerstein II, "The world belongs to you as much as the next fella. Don't give it up." So wallowing in self pity isn't an option. And I try to remember that I've got it easy compared to my forefathers who colonized Jamestown and Plymouth, fought a revolution, lost fortunes after the civil war, but just kept going. So, having low cash flow really isn't life threatening. But I'm human, so I felt pretty crummy. Then I came across the title sequence to To Kill a Mockingbird designed by Stephen Frankfurt, and this made everything ok, in addition to the rum and Fresca (Rumescas) and anti-anxiety pill.


Back to the Future—Mall


Airing the old laundry