Hey Hey Crochet

People often ask me to explain how I choose colors on a project. "You're so good with color," they say, "What is your process?" My process is to liberally take color palettes from anywhere. Some call it stealing, I consider it appropriation.

I have a collection of crocheted hangars my grandmother made. I don't use them because I'm too OCD and all the hangars in the house must be the exact same white plastic or wood version. But I do love the crochet hangars. The colors are wonderful. So I made a color palette out of them. It's not high design. It's not a careful exploration of values and tones ala Johannes Itten. It's a palette from 1970s yarn.

I'm impressed at how many of these my grandmother, Oma, made. She was an avid crocheter and made many afghans, hats, and sweaters. I don't understand the afghans. Since they are made with big crochet holes, they don't really keep anyone warm. And as much as I admire Oma's fortitude and talent, I was never a big fan of receiving a crocheted sweater. They aren't really hip in the 6th grade.

It could have been worse, 1970s crocheted clothing is far worse than any bad gift you will ever receive. The next time you complain because Aunt Bess gave you hideous patterned sweater, be thankful it isn't a rust and mauve crochet caftan.


The Settlers Return


E' una buona forchetta